Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Big Kid Toys

After almost a year of playing with the same toys and reading the same books we finally bought some new toys. Just like everyone warned us...now that she can walk all I want her to do is sit still. I caught her with her hand in the toilet yesterday morning so I need to distract her. I was on the hunt for some age appropriate toys and games to keep her occupied for more than 10 minutes (if that is even possible). I found big wooden puzzles and alphabet blocks. The blocks win. She doesn't look at the letters but she knows they roll far when she throws them. And when she throws them the dogs chase them. That is her favorite part. After I had to teach the dogs not to eat Abby's new toys she entertained herself peacefully and quitely...a mother's dream. I know the novelty of new toys will wear off in a couple of days so I will enjoy it while I can.

Just you wait mom...I will be up and walking in just a minute.

Where did those dogs go? Who is going to chase after my blocks?

The banished dogs
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