Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

We had such a busy weekend celebrating the 4th of July. My family came into Granbury so we spent the whole weekend celebrating on the water...which was fine with Abby. She still loves to swim. She did start cutting her top teeth which made for a long weekend but luckily we had lots of help to distract her. We spent all of Saturday eating hamburgers and hotdogs and swimming in the pool (by "pool" I mean the $10 walmart special!). Abby watched the big kids play and paddle boat in the pond. She even stayed up to watch some of the fireworks that Colin and our brother-in-law Brad set off over the pond. After finally crashing out around 9:30 she up and ready to go on Lake Granbury on Sunday morning. We will all sleep well tonight!

I love to walk everywhere!

How did I get over here all by myself?

Dad...where are those fireworks? Don't set Nana's grass on fire.

Boating can be so exhausting. I am dreaming of walking...with my hands in the air!
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