Thursday, August 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Abby!

Well...we have officially made it through one full year! It is hard to believe that we have had her that long. It has definately been an exciting year. We decided to do a small cake tonight and save the festivities for her party on Saturday. Good thing we did a test run with the cake because she was not amused at all. She did not dig in right away so Colin gave her a taste of icing and she seemed to like that. However, when she stuck her finger in the cake she freaked out. I don't know if she didn't like the texture or maybe she thought it was a toy but the minute her finger touched the cake the tears started flowing. Hopefully she will perform better on Saturday. She did enjoy pasta for dinner...her new favorite food!

Oh...this is so much better than baby food :)

More fun to eat too!

Yea for being one! Happy Birthday to Abby!!

What am I supposed to do with that??? (And no, I have no idea why her hands are in the air)
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1 comment:

  1. A whole year?! Seems like just yesterday we were visiting you in the hospital! Happy birthday Abby!!!!
