Monday, August 31, 2009

Catch Up

Ah...we have been so busy this month that I have not had a chance to update our blog. We had Colin's 10 year high school reunion this weekend (I can't believe I have been out of high school that long)! We attended a family picnic in the afternoon and a dinner for the adults that evening. Colin really enjoyed catching up with people that he has not seen in 10 years. Enough about us...I know everyone wants to hear about Abby. She is still cutting teeth and talking away. She will put anything in her mouth. It is hard to get a picture without her sucking, biting or licking something.

Well, I guess there is one picture without anything in her mouth! I'm sure that camera case ended up with teeth marks and slobber.

Father's and Babies (notice Abby with someone else's toy in her mouth)! And mom and dad think I don't eat enough :)

I love apple juice
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