Monday, June 8, 2009

A crowd for the weekend!

We had so many events this weekend I hardly know where to begin. On a happy note, Colin and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary...yea! I know it's hard to believe but we have been married that long. We had to forgo our usual vacation and opt for a dinner out. Abby isn't quite old enough for vacation...but she is getting closer. She turned 10 months old on Saturday. We were fortunate enough to spend Saturday with Colin's triplet sisters and step-mother from Colorado. They are so sweet and make the trip every year and we always look forward to seeing them.
We ended Saturday on a sour note. On our way to a BBQ in Granbury our house was buglarized. We got a call in route from our security company and had to turn around and hurry home to find our door was kicked in and our guest room was ransacked. The perps (is that right...they always say that on TV) tried to take our TV but couldn't unhinge in from the wall. I guess they wanted jewelry which explains the ransacked drawers. They managed to get away with a stereo from our office and our peace of mind. Fortunately we had everyone in the car with us...even Wrigley! The crime scence unit came out and dusted the TV for fingerprints and took mine...does this mean I am in the "system"? Hopefully the information will be helpful to the police. On another sour note, Colin's step-father was admitted to the ICU. He is recovering but we are waiting on test results for a prognosis. Whew...I think that covers it all.

Abby starts swim lessons today so hopefully I can get lots of cute pictures to share!

Abby and her 3 aunts...Rachael, Sammie & Jamie

Which one doesn't belong...the one with brown hair and brown eyes.
Abby fits right in with the Patricks!

Abby's first beach adventure. We decided to take her to the beach in Granbury.
She loved the sand but hated the waves.

Let's build a sand castle mom!
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1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry to hear about the house being broken in to- that stinks! Especially to know someone went through your stuff:( Luckily nothing too big was taken!
    Abby is so big!!! I can't believe she is already 10 months old!!! Big Girl!!! We need to get together soon!
