Monday, June 15, 2009

Olympics 2026?

Abby has been taking swim lessons at the YMCA for the last week and loving it. Obviously she doesn't swim too much but she doesn't scream which I consider a victory. We practice blowing bubbles and kicking, none of which she understands, so we watch the other kids while we chew on the foam noodle. To be fair, she is the youngest baby in the class. We have managed to turn on our bellies and be passed to the lifeguard...I think that is enough to get a passing grade and it is a good excuse for me to get in the pool and work on my tan.

Mom and her water baby!

No need to rub your eyes...yes, that is Abby in the arms of a stranger with no tears in her eyes. I am as surprised as anyone.

Watch out Michael we come!

Gold medal finish
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