Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cherrios Anyone???

Abby had her 9 month check up at the doctor on Friday and solid food...here we come! The doctor said to start with Cherrios so she gets used to the texture and feeding herself. It took a couple of days before she understood that Cherrios were for eating but I think we finally figured it out. Now she feeds everyone...including Wrigley. He loves this, of course, but now I have two things to trip over in the kitchen. Wrigley has figured out that there is food on Abby's tray so he follows her around the kitchen waiting for her to share and she always does!

Are you going to eat all those cherrios???

Thank goodness for Cherrios and sippie cups!

1 comment:

  1. How sweet! I can't believe she is getting so big! Cheerios is a big milestone :)
