Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day First

We had a great first Mother's Day weekend at the Patrick house. We began our weekend at my parent's house in Granbury. We had hoped for some sunny weather but we ended up with clouds and sprinkles but it did not stop our fun. We went paddle boating, without Abby of course. She actually let my sisters babysit her for a short 15 minutes so Colin and I could enjoy a quick paddle. As many of you know Abby and I have been struggling with separation anxiety so I am thrilled if she spends more than 5 minutes with anyone! We wrapped up our weekend in Arlington with Colin's parents and a relaxing walk in their neighborhood. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers!

No Cashen family affair is complete without a crawfish boil!

Future babysitter???

I love my aunt Maggie!!

I am ready to party mom....

Always trying to rock the boat

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