We've been saying we couldn't wait for Owen's arrival. Well, he couldn't wait either. Owen Michael Patrick was born October 11, 2010 at 6:25pm. We weighed 6 lbs 6 oz and was 19 inches long. He was born at 35 weeks, and consequently, he needed to stay in the hospital for another week. However, he was given a clean bill of health yesterday and we are home now and adjusting to our expanded family.
The doting parents wating, waiting, waiting...
Aunt Nicole (Colin's sister) surveying her next babysitting gig.
The eager big sister waiting to meet her brother.
Mom enjoying "Owen Unplugged."
Exhausted dad

sporting the "waiting for Owen/Rangers playoff beard." Cliff Lee treated the boys to an exciting first baseball game for the young man!
Home at last, Abby meets her little brother! She offered him a pacifer and then invited him to watch Mickey Mouse with her. She's gonna be a great big sister.
Congratulations Patricks! Owen, we are dying to meet you.