Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Abby's Entourage

As Abby gets older some things get easier when we travel. For instance, day trips to granbury have become much easier because I don't have to pack burp cloths, baby food and all the special equipment that comes with entertaining and feed a baby (at least for the next 9 weeks!). Some things have become more difficult such as running to the post office or a quick trip to the grocery store. These are becoming more and more difficult because Abby has an entourage that goes with her everywhere. As you can see by her arm full, we do not leave home without all of these items. Not only do we travel with all of these things but it is mom's job to keep track of it all!

Baby Annie...check, small baby....check, buster 1....check, buster 2....check, Abby bear....check, binki....check Ready to go mom!

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  1. She is so big! I can't believe you have having #2 in 9 weeks!!!!! Wow!!!! I hope we get to see you soon!!!

  2. 9 weeks!!! Yikes!!! Love the entourage...and the new sylish blog :)
