Sunday, September 20, 2009

Abby the Dog Whisperer

Now that Abby is walking she is getting into everything. We have to keep an extra special eye on the dog food. She is usually pretty easy to follow around the house. She babbles and gabs so I can always hear her when I'm cooking or doing the laundry or anything else that doesn't involve me being in the same room as her. I don't worry until I don't hear anything then I head straight for the dog's food and this is what I find...

Ahh...don't mind me guys...

just making sure the dog's food is fresh!

Do I really look like I could cause any trouble :)

Are you going to finish that Teddy?
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  1. She is getting soooo big! I can't believe it! Is your mom still making another blanket for her with that stringy material? I wanted to see if she would still be able to make one for my niece when she did:) Your mom is so wonderful:) I wish I could make things like that:)

  2. I love it! Seeing that she has shared so much of her food with the is their turn to share with her :)
