Sunday, May 31, 2009

Take me out to a ballgame...

Colin has been waiting 9 long months to take his first born to a major league baseball stadium. has finally happened. We spent Sunday afternoon with my parents at the Ballpark in Arlington to watch the Texas Rangers. I use the term "watch" very loosely. Colin and my dad enjoyed some of the game while my mother and I walked Abby around the concorse and she slept. I guess that is what you do when you have kids. We ran into a lot of other families doing the same thing with their little ones. She did enjoy her first taste of a lemon chiller which she seemed to enjoy and a trip around the air conditioned pro shops. It was a great day to get out and enjoys Abby's first day at the ballpark.

Dad and Grandpa Cashen on their way to the ballpark all decked out in our pink Ranger gear...and of course the signature oversized flower!

Baseball sure is exciting! I hope dad is enjoying the game.

Nothing beats a cool lemon chiller on a hot summer day at the ballpark.

Yea for Abby's first trip to the ballpark! Hopefully we are in for good night's sleep...cross your fingers!
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1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that Abby is quickly becoming a fan of the 1st place Rangers! Can't wait to get our kids together for play date...that might be numerous months down the road but still looking forward to it. See you guys soon!
