Abby got her first birthday present from her friend Dottie today and couldn't wait to use it at home. It is a wooden cupcake decorating kit. It is so funny to watch her because she knows exactly what to do. I have to remind myself that she is always watching and soaks in everything we do. She walked over and turned on the oven light (thank goodness she doesn't know how to turn on the oven) and motioned for me to open the door so she could load her cupcakes in the oven. She even wore her oven mit! I guess I don't have to worry about her domestic capabilities!
Set the timer mom...

I think they are just about done.

Let's take them out for a taste!

Just kidding...back in the oven for round two!
I can't believe how big she is! She is such a little girl now- no more baby!