Friday, October 16, 2009

I love shopping!

Abby and I decided it was time to get out of the house and enjoy a beautiful. What's a girl to do on such a nice about a little shopping! I thought I could just swing by and window shop to get out of the house but I learned my lesson. We tried to window shop in Old Navy but Abby had other plans. She just couldn't resist a new dress and shirt. She loved them so much she hasn't let them go. No joke. The cashier had to scan them in her hands because I couldn't pry the hangers out of her little fingers without causing a major meltdown. She screamed when I had to put her in her car seat because she had to let them go. We are now going on an hour and she is still walking around the house with the clothes. Sorry dad...she was born to shop!

A satisfied shopper!

Look clothes!

How could you believe that this face would cause a scene in Old Navy?
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