Yes...I know it has been a while but we have been busy adjusting to our new house, renovating our new house and getting used to a walking baby. The move went well, although I hope I never have to do it again!
The kids are growing super fast. Owen started walking about a month ago and has kept Abby and me on our feet. She is such a great big sister and always lets me know when Owen is headed for the stairs or playing in the dog food. Abby is completely potty trained and loves wearing her big girl panties. She also turned 3 shortly after we moved so we got to try out our new back yard. We set out sprinklers, a water table and a toddler pool to cool off and had to start her party at 10 in the morning to avoid the heat of the day.
Thanks Mim and Pop for my super cool Lightening McQueen tricycle!
Rub a dub dub 2 cuties in the tub! The duck bobbing tub turned into a baby tub during the after party. Abby and her BFF Elly spent an entire hour giggling and splashing!
Of course a Cars cake in the shape of the number 3 was the order of the day. Everything is Cars at our house. We are on our second copy of the original Cars movie. The first was completely worn out and would not play in our DVD player anymore.
Owen loves to eat...anything! He will try anything we put in front of long as it is not baby food.
Watch out world...I am mobile and want to touch everything!